My Premium Membership just started – first exclusive research report out now

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I am proud to announce the start of my Premium Membership with my first research report.

From now on, besides my free weekly newsletters, I am going to publish yearly eight research reports, exclusively for my Premium Members.

Also included are, of course, short updates to still active investment cases where I think something noteworthy happened (special company announcements, publication of results, etc.)

Just like already teasered in my last weekly (here), which also gives important background information to my first report, I now opened up the gates to my Premium Membership.

My first exclusive research report is about a company from the oil sector with an interesting capital allocation strategy that fits perfectly into a well thought-through portfolio of stocks and differs from how the oil supermajors (the biggest oil firms) are handling shareholder’s money. It is not even unlikely that with time its dividend yield will be in double digits.

I introduce you to my investment case and explain all you need to know in my exclusive research report for my Premium Members!

You can register for just 99 EUR / year by clicking here and get immediate access to all past and future reports, as well as all updates.

Note: Unfortunately, I cannot offer my Premium Membership in every jurisdiction due to different VAT / GST / Sales Tax regimes. See a list of those countries allowed to register by clicking here.