Are farmland stocks a hedge against inflation?

If you ask people about inflation-proof investments, the answers are most likely energy, real estate, precious metals or nowadays maybe even cryptocurrencies or rare whisky bottles. What is less obvious and very underestimated is farmland. It has proven to be not only a very effective hedge against inflation, but also over the last 25 years outperformed the S&P500 while being less volatile. What about farmland stocks?

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Debt and high inflation – money for nothing or looming meltdown?

Who would complain being relieved of their debt burden? With inflation reaching a 40-year high in many regions, it seems that not only is the purchasing power of money eroding, but so is the burden of debt, measured in real terms. But is it really wise to buy stocks of companies with a lot of debt and hope they pay it off with cheaper money?

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Microstrategy stock: A superior way to invest in Bitcoins?

Maybe you have heard that there are companies that “diversify” their assets into Bitcoin out of “fiat money”. Will the stock of Microstrategy go up together with Bitcoin? What sounds like a good idea at first sight, however, could be a costly and dangerous adventure for inexperienced stockholders.

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