What you should know about ETFs and dividends

Especially stock market beginners get in touch early with ETFs and / or dividend investing, in part thanks to the respective communities and influencing faces. You can see both strategies separately or also in combination. However, a common thing I see e.g. on Twitter / X and YouTube is that these people promote them as being bullet-proof, save strategies. As a risk-focussed investor myself, I am clearly missing this crucial element.

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Zooming in on Zoom after –90% from its all-time high – what’s next?

Barely anyone will know somebody who does not know the video conferencing tool zoom. Especially during the last three years, it has become an everyday companion for many people who shifted to working from anywhere. The shares of Zoom were first hyped up to the stratosphere, but are back down to earth again. Is the stock now worth a second look as the sentiment is rather negative? Let’s find out.

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Why I stayed away from REITs until now + new research report

Real estate investment trusts have been a favored asset class of many due to enabling property ownership without enslaving oneself with mountains of debt and without betting just on one horse. Other factors like liquidity, the ability to sale fractions of your ownership and often great shareholder returns have been other arguments. I was avoiding them on purpose – but there’s a sub-sector that could be interesting just right now.

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Why I am skeptical about the “safe copper bet”

Who hasn’t heard of it, yet? The price of copper, together with the respective miners, can only see one way: up, up and upper! This thesis is based on the ongoing electrification of our society. Where there is electricity, copper is needed. More electricity demand = more copper demand, right? What sounds plausible, has some weak points to it. Actually, I am even skeptical that this will play out in the way that the majority thinks, at the very least in the short to medium term.

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Update to my first silver Weekly + new research report

Almost exactly a year ago I published a Weekly with the question whether it was the right time back then to buy silver. I rather referred to silver in physical form, respectively via ETFs which hold it in physical form, as I had difficulties in finding an investable stock of a producer that fit my strict quality filter. This industry is still a mess, as many miners are actively destroying shareholder value and / or are having difficulties with their costs, but also declining reserves.

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A silver lining for Argentina? A look at YPF + new research report

Argentina is mainly known as a nation being in perpetual crisis mode. Besides beef, wine and tango, among the first thoughts that likely come to one’s mind are debt, economic hardship and hyperinflation. Needless to say that in such an environment you won’t find a booming economy. However, many Argentine stocks or those with a vast exposure to this market, have been rising over the last months. Is a (massive) turnaround in sight?

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Deep Dive into Offshore Energy Drilling – coming back from the near-dead + new research report

Not only being one of the most cyclical, but also most hated energy sub-sectors, offshore drilling has been a secure investment grave for the last nearly 15 years. There is barely any investment topic where you could have sunk money more reliably. However, there are really interesting developments that make it worthwhile to risk a look into it, again. Especially, as along as it is perceived a no-go area for ESG-promoters – although offshore drilling tends to be the best choice in this regard.

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Why “buy and hold” is nonsense and not the key to successful investing

One of the first major “mindset tips” new investors either directly receive from someone more experienced or stumble upon by themselves is to “buy and hold” stocks. The reasoning seems to make sense, as a longer holding period should level out short term fluctuations and enable a positive investing outcome. However, this concept does not take into account a key component, misleading many investors, often causing avoidable disappointments.

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Will Philip Morris split itself, soon?

Company transformations and separations are not an uncommon occurrence. The goal of so-called spin-offs is to grow by shrinking first. Such special situations can create shareholder value that is uncorrelated to broader markets. Over the past days, I started to think through possible coming spin-offs. The iconic Marlboro maker Philip Morris came to my mind, as it could slowly start to make sense for them to start a divorce to focus on their growing business unit, throwing off ballast and cashing out, soon.

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Is the stock of M&T Bank the best pick among regional US-banks?

After the first wave of banking collapses last March and some subsequent calming down, the last few weeks have again been dominated by fears about who’s next. The California based First Republic Bank was the next to fall. Its assets were sold to JPMorgan. Stocks of other regional banks got hammered by even 50% in single trading days, as if this were nothing unusual. The search for the next victim is running. M&T Bank so far held up rather well (and managed to stay under the radar). Is it worth a closer look?

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