Update to my first silver Weekly + new research report

Almost exactly a year ago I published a Weekly with the question whether it was the right time back then to buy silver. I rather referred to silver in physical form, respectively via ETFs which hold it in physical form, as I had difficulties in finding an investable stock of a producer that fit my strict quality filter. This industry is still a mess, as many miners are actively destroying shareholder value and / or are having difficulties with their costs, but also declining reserves.

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Is it worth it to buy small stock positions?

This question is likely one of those where you will receive many different answers, depending on who you ask. Advocates of big positions are likely to tell you that without decent individual positions in a concentrated portfolio, you won’t achieve any meaningful returns. Practitioners of many small positions, on the contrary, will warn you about the risks of putting all your eggs in one basket. So, who’s right, what is definitely wrong, and what to apply?

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Earnings quality the worst in three decades – look at free cash flow!

Operating or net income, adjusted operating or net income, earnings per share (EPS), adjusted EPS and the price to earnings (PE) ratio are commonly used to assess a company’s business results and to value it. They are also often used as headline numbers and proof of performance by the companies themselves. However, there is a rising trend of decreasing “earnings quality” – an indicator that neither the economy is doing pretty well, nor many companies.

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Why “buy and hold” is nonsense and not the key to successful investing

One of the first major “mindset tips” new investors either directly receive from someone more experienced or stumble upon by themselves is to “buy and hold” stocks. The reasoning seems to make sense, as a longer holding period should level out short term fluctuations and enable a positive investing outcome. However, this concept does not take into account a key component, misleading many investors, often causing avoidable disappointments.

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Have you missed the best stock of the last 25 years? Here’s a second chance!

Last week, I wrote about missed opportunities and their lasting impact on me. Actually, they hurt me more and stay with me longer than realized losses where I have taken my lessons learnt. Today, I want to discuss one of the most successful – if not even THE most successful – stock(s) of the last quarter-century. Nearly self-explanatory, this was a somewhat surprising business development that many (including me) have missed. Is there maybe a second chance?

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Suffered losses or missed opportunities – what’s hurting more?

Over the last days, I was thinking about some personal stock investments that I either sold too early or even never managend to initiate at all – because I was waiting for a correction which never came. To the contrary, I have to really think longer and more intense about realized losses, just to name a few – not because there were none (there were), but because I threw them out of my mind.

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German Conglomerates: Creating Shareholder Value from spin-offs? + new research report

Decades ago, it was en vogue to create big conglomerates. Size was associated with being a sign of strength, bringing robustness in times of economic distress. However, as “holding discounts” nowadays are holding these companies back from achieving higher valuations, the opposite direction is pursued to lift these “hidden values”. Many German concerns are currently in this process. There is also one particular under the radar opportunity that is too cheap to be ignored.

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Megatrend of this decade: Dividend cuts + an update to my most popular article so far

Even though I know that I certainly won’t make many new friends with this article, especially not from the ranks of dividend investors, it is a duty for me to address this topic. I also think, it’s no coincidence that my most popular article to date has been about looming dividend cuts. Simply put, it’s too important to be ignored.

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Dividend Investing – high yield or high growth?

A never ending discussion in the field of dividend investing is whether you go for high yielding stocks or dividend growth stocks. Recently, I had a few discussions on Twitter about this topic. Because it is a question many investors have – amateurs and experienced investors alike – I decided to write a Weekly to compare both strategies.

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The Dogs of the Dow – top dividend stocks for 2023?

The turn of every year is a special time. Not only because it feels like the old and especially bad is left behind and something new starts. There is also a well-known stock-picking strategy that promises you to beat the Dow Jones Index by only doing a few transactions at the start of each year. Did this low-maintenance strategy deliver in the past? And what are the picks for 2023 according to this strategy?

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